The somewhat coherent ideas and ravings of your typical insane idiot.
Published on May 15, 2004 By Rev Zim In Life Journals
Ok, Deadbott came over, and I played Custom Robo, he helped a lot. We unlocked a bunch of stuff, but I spent a good four hours or more playing the game. Here's what I can say:

The story at first seems dull, but it gets rather... interesting later on. I haven't beaten the game, but there's a good plot twist or two in it.
Unlocking parts is a pain, but it's fun. You never know what you are going to get, but it's fun because you never know and have to just keep playing.

I made a devastating air-juggle combo, almost nobody has lived through my assaults (I got beat once, and only once, using this combo). For those of you who are going to get this game, and play it, and need the combo, here it is...

Little Raider type, using the only one I have.
Flame Gun
Umbrella (Pod)
Wall (Bomb)
Normal (legs)

Basically, run around (no jumping!) and get as close as possible. If the enemy is far away, launch a wall at them. When you are close enough, use your Flame Gun on them until they are knocked out, quickly launch the Umbrellas, and flame them when they are on the ground.

For those of you who just want a description of what I said (without playing the game), here I go...
A little robo-girl slides out from behind a wall (actual wall), holding a flamethrower. She sprays the enemy robot with the flames, until he gets knocked down, Out of her back launch three umbrellas, which hover in the air. Grinning like the mad little girl she is, she uses her flamethrower on the other robot, causing it to raise into the air (game mechanics). The flamethrower assault continues as he collides with one of the umbrellas, which explodes, forcing him higher. As soon as the first three umbrellas explode, she launches another volley, which the other robot lands on, causing even more damage...

You start with 1000 Hit points. I've knocked enemies down by 300 hit points with one juggle (initial flame, secondary flame and umbrellas, then tertiary flame and umbrellas if possible). Yes, four of these combos utterly destroys enemies. I love this game.

All in all, I can't give a full review, as I don't have all the parts yet. However, I can tell you this much... I haven't had this much fun playing a game since Fallout 2, or Command and Conquer (the original). Yes, this is my new favorite game currently, we'll just have to see how it sits up in multiplayer. With that, I think I'm going to start a league, and just try to get some people involved once a week in playing Custom Robo.

Night all, I'll post more tomorrow.

on Sep 04, 2004
how to unlock almighty (a robo) to unlock almighty and his parts u must beat gold singles tournament (grand battle) with 30000 points or more then go to your house were u will find your father who didnt really die but was hiding somthing (he tells u) then he challenges u if u win u get almighty xyz cannon gun final bomber bomb and psy wave pod and flash legs note: this may just be a rumor
on Sep 04, 2004
You can not get almighty. it is just a rumour you actually getray warrior
on Sep 04, 2004
Dear rev. zim,

please read this comment. your combo robo made me a better robo commander.( even though I'm the best you still helped me alot:)). If you want to put another combo i have one right now: Athena, raptor gun, acrobat bomb, orca pod and high jump legs. Then shoot your acrobat bomb thengo into the air from the acrobat bomb then jump six times then when you are about to go down shoot your raptor gun then there will be like twenty eagles going straight toward your opponent. please put that on to your article.
from tran(real name koji sorry i cannot tell you my real name.)
on Sep 04, 2004
yo dude yo dude yo wut up wut up bro sup dawg tran is cool his combo is great but mine is better
on Sep 04, 2004
dude that kewl user 200 person is a lier there is such a thing my cousin said so but ray warrior is real but u get it at 24000 points not 30000
on Sep 04, 2004
dude that kewl user 200 person is a lier there is such a thing my cousin said so but ray warrior is real but u get it at 24000 points not 30000
on Sep 04, 2004
my combo was that u need to use oil can robo knukle gun tomhawk g bomb beast pod f and stabilizer legs i beat the whole game 4 times with that combo (excluding the frist time i beat it)
on Sep 04, 2004
hi im' the guy who told you that you cannot get almighty. i just told you those other comments were comments not replys. i know because i'm their cousins and i'm the one who beat custom robo but they just came and put replys because they copied files from me. so don't worry if their fake.
on Sep 12, 2004
hey guess what you can unlock almighty