The somewhat coherent ideas and ravings of your typical insane idiot.
Too early to tell?
Published on April 3, 2004 By Rev Zim In Life Journals
Ok, well, everything seems to be going decent, lately. I think. I still hate work, but things in my life are starting to look up.

Heather and I have big plans (we've bene dating for about a week now, and are perfectly happy with each other so far), but I can't reveal them at all, until things are more solid. However, I will say this: I am in love with the girl. Everyone who disbelieves me can go rot in the void, but I do love her. I only wish for whatever makes her happy, and I try to make her happy, as best I can. Anyone who wants more details (so long as I can trust you to not run your mouth), e-mail me at . Or call me (if you know my number), but I'm only telling those I trust, until something more concrete comes up.

As far as my friends go, I dunno. Same with family. Haven't really been keeping track of them, simply because I've fallen in love, and I want to spend every last moment with the lady. She makes me happy, she really does, and that's what matters.

However, I do need to get some sleep, just thought I'd update everyone.

on Apr 07, 2004
Good goddamn time you finally got happy ol' chappy, not here comes the hard part.... not pissing them off.....

if you succeed at that with her do me a favor....

gimme the recipe =P
