All right, I haven't posted here at all. Just got the beta a couple days ago.
Aside from some (most likely known) problems about crashing, I'll add in a few of the bugs I've found.
As a note to the developers, I've been playing with a custom race. Portrait is from the insect race (can't remember name), and all bonuses were hand-picked by me. Ships had the draconian style with custom colors. Galaxy was largest, stars, planets, habitable planets were all abundant (as were resources and anomolies), stars set in clusters. Played with three other races (Humans, Altarians, and... the race with the yellow border), on lowest setting possible.
Using that, the advisor from GNN on the quarterly reports called me "Human" when my name was definetly not "Human" for the race (changed it to "Mantid").
Some of the save files seem to get corrupted after a certain number of turns/size of file. When trying to load these save files, game instantly crashed. Not a major crash, just onto the desktop. I also had the same game (when idle for 2 1/2 hours) lock up the entire computer, forcing me to hard-restart it. Unsure what I did wrong.
Unsure if anyone else has complained about this(seeing as how my friend that also has the beta has stated how buggy the game is currently, and I've noticed that, as well) that when you terraform a planet, nothing major happens. The number does NOT go up on the planet, I've gotten 0 extra tiles (unless they were already red), and it takes WAY too long to research. Least amount of time I've had it take is 400 turns. And that's with a high bonus to research, with me having 8 planets, a population of over 600 billion, my economy in the green, and every planet having two research centers.
On another note with the terraforming, if you change a planet's atmospheric and surface conditions, it's supposed to make it more habitable, correct? Well, then, why is it that my home planet can never become more than a 10? It seems a little... well, buggy. I say "Oooh, there's an 18!" and suddenly, that 18 is four times as nice as my little 10. That four sitting there? Always a four, never any better.
As far as the researching of terraforming goes, how about breaking it up into smaller (albeit still lengthy) chunks, so that the first gives you basic terraforming, the second regular, and so on. Eventually, you'll be able to turn that 4 into a 12, making it profitable. I honestly think that, what with terraforming now taking forever to research, it shouldn't be so "useless".
Another note. When playing on the easiest setting, the computers are, well.. laughable. Not that they shouldn't be. It's just that they go into "spurts." They'll expand from one planet to another in, oh... every 300 turns or so. Not that I'm complaining. My major nag with the computer players is when trading research. They'll have something super easy (Missile Defense Theory) that I'd like to trade for, while researching something more advanced (say, Federation). So, I try to trade them... they won't accept terraforming, or ALL of my techs. Yet, the race loves me and gives me money every one in a while (I was an economic superhouse, with a rating over over 350 in economy and research). Every quarterly report states that my race is 65% of the population and doing 100% of the research. All I want from them is a measily 4-month tech, giving them a 400 month tech, and they don't like it! As a matter of fact, the screen even states that I'm sooo skilled in diplomocy, and they think I'm a god, that I should be able to extort them for whatever I want.
Ok, that should keep everyone here reeling for a few hours (while I work!) so I'll leave it at that.